

School Strike for Climate

On 15 October school students around Australia will be striking for the climate. The strikers will be sending a powerful message to the Morrison Government that if they care about the future, they must stop throwing money at the fossil…

National Day of Action on Gas

The Federal Government continues to promote a ‘gas led recovery’ from the COVID recession.  This is a disastrous policy, which ignores climate science and the views of most Australians.  According to the 2020 Climate of the Nation survey, only 12%…

National Climate Emergency Summit

Posted by Sally Newell on April 10, 2020 As one of the last possible gatherings of the climate movement in 2020, February’s National Climate Emergency Summit was particularly memorable. Grossly overbooked (needing a new overflow venue as well as livestream overflow), the…

Liz Glab wants climate action now

Retired concert pianist Liz Glab has turned herself into a walking billboard. “I don’t leave the house without my Kooyong Votes Climate t-shirt,” she says, “and I take any and every opportunity to engage with people on the street, in…